
On August 28, in Bydgoszcz, a training was held under the patronage of the Polish Chamber of Equipment and Services Manufactures for Railways. The training was entitled ,,The evolution ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS rev. 03) in the Railways Quality Management System ISO 22163:2023 (IRIS rev. 04) – changes.” It was conducted by Mr. Robert Dąbrowski. Thank you to all the participants and the organizers.)




We would like to notify you of the recent release of the standard "ISO 22163-2023 Railway applications - Railway Quality Management System - ISO 9001: 2015 and specific requirements for use in the railway sector".


https://www.iso.org/standard/79427.html  and



25.08.2023 r.

We have completed the first round of Internal Auditors and Suppliers training in accordance with ISO 22163-2023. We appreciate SKODA Polska sp. z o.o.'s confidence and enthusiastic involvement :)

We congratulate PKP Intercity S.A. on receiving ECM certification